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Soy Boy & Chunky Monkey

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rewind to Summer Vacation. . .AHHHHHHH!

We've made many trips to the beach. . .but this takes the cake hands down! We took a dolphin-watching jet ski tour. Had to show up at the dock by 7:30 am. . .signed a million waivers holding them harmless in case of our sudden deaths & took about 15 minutes of instruction on how to drive the jet ski.
After having a mild panic attack & almost backing out, it was one of the most exhilarating and amazing things we've ever done with the kids (or ourselves for that matter)! They go fast. . .really really fast. . .AND yes, we were out in the middle of the open ocean following dolphins around. A sting ray jumped up no more than 5 feet in front of Soy Boy & myself and did a belly flop. . .it was a highlight for Soy Boy. . .he's still talking about it!
Chunky Money and Foodie Dad actually drove straight through a wave. . .Chunky Monkey was not amused. . .but kept on going! The dolphins were amazing. . .& so was the ride.
During that morning, I heard "Mom, your the greatest Mom ever!" & "This is the best day of my life". . .thank God I didn't wimp out!


Can't believe my 'babies' are growing up so fast!! (yes, those ARE cute, pink-bow-wearing-SKULLS on her backpack!) Chunky Monkey has started Kindergarten and Soy Boy, 4th grade! I've realized that this year & next are the only 2 years that they will be in the same school! Poor Chunky Monkey will be on her own for the majority of her school years & Soy Boy is 'off the hook' for protecting his little sister!

We couldn't be more proud of both of them. Soy Boy started AIG (academically & intellectually gifted) math & reading this year & is very amused that his dad and I are not able to solve the brain teasers he's been bringing home. Chunky Monkey has started a very challenging but incredible Spanish Immersion program. This means that she will be taught K-5 in Spanish only (standard English classes will come in 2nd grade). I've been told that a couple of the children had a little problem adapting, maybe to the Spanish or maybe to kindergarten itself, but Chunky Monkey has taken it all in stride and is perplexed as to why anyone would have a problem with it! Her teachers, pictured above, are from Uruguay and Columbia.

We were sitting at lunch last weekend & Chunky Monkey was going down a laundry list of Spanish words that she has learned and telling us what they meant. . .with our limited knowledge of Spanish, we took her Spanish word for backpack, mochila, and started thinking of Spanish words that we could put INTO our mochila. . .so this is what Foodie Dad came up with. . .agua, lunchero and mucho blanco pollo. . .many -- white -- chickens!