Welcome to Foodies For Fun!

Welcome to Foodies For Fun!
Soy Boy & Chunky Monkey

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Remains of the (snow) DAY!

Everyone kept themselves occupied all day outside due to the first (and maybe ONLY) snow of the season! Foodie Dad outdid himself and added lights just in time for the neighbors annual party. . .where he was received as quite the celebrity for his handywork! How old is he again!?

The KING and the SHEEP

Soy Boy very excited about being a KING this year. . .a right of passage. . .someone important. . .the sheep. . .not so much! Can you even find Chunky Monkey in the top pic?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Tis the Season!

We made our 2nd annual treck up to the mountains in search of our perfect Christmas Tree(s)~! When we left, it was pouring down rain and was calling for a 'wintry mix'! As we got closer and closer to the tree farm & further up the mountain, the rain turned into snow! The kids were super-excited & it was a very pretty winter wonderland while searching for the trees! It was a really fun day! And. . .goes without saying. . .we found the prettiest tree on the mountain!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Finally, Some PROGRESS!!

All along I was worried that we were going through all this trouble and I was going to end up feeling like it was too small! Well. . .I don't feel like that anymore...here's the latest and greatest!